Raimon i Annalisa Foundation

The Raimon i Annalisa Foundation was created to preserve the artistic and personal heritage that resulted from a long professional career, and project it into the future so that it can become a focus of cultural activity made available to all members of society. The foundation is supported by public institutions such as the Generalitat Valenciana, the Diputación Provincial de València and Xàtiva Town Council.

The purpose of the Foundation is to collect, safeguard, disseminate and research all documentation in any format relating to Raimon’s life and work, with the aim of making it accessible and available for educational and scientific use. The Foundation also promotes knowledge and research in the cultural sphere by releasing publications, organising cultural events, promoting artistic and musical performances, and establishing collaborative links with other cultural institutions.

Hem viscut junts, ben junts
ara fa ja molts anys,
qui sap què ens portarà,
què ens portarà demà.

I volem viure junts
els temps nous que vindran
i volem lluitar junts
per tot el que hem lluitat.

Com l’amor,
com el foc,
com la veu,
com la llum.

Viure junts, 1996.