This foundation was created to acknowledge the legacy of an artist from Xativa who emerged from an age-old silence to show the world the beauty of our language and the wealth of our literature.
Ramon Pelegero Sanchis, better known by his stage name Raimon (Xàtiva, 2nd December 1940) is one of the most representative and internationally recognised members of the contemporary history of song in Catalan.
Raimon’s songs played a vital role in the worldwide dissemination of our culture as well as the struggle for our rights as a society. His extensive work is one of the main references of contemporary culture.
Raimon has sung all over the world while staying true to his origins and putting music to the work of other great poets such as Espriu, as well as Valencian classics such as Ausiàs March, Jordi de Sant Jordi, Joan Roís de Corella and Joan Timoneda. Europe, America and Asia have set the stage for his concerts.
The sentimental memoirs of a life devoted to music and poetry; moments that testify to the lifelong journey of one of the most influential Valencian artists; images of moments that span two centuries, along with fellow travellers who accompanied him on his passionate journey.
Jo vinc d’un silenci
antic i molt llarg
de gent que va alçant-se
des del fons dels segles
de gent que anomenen
classes subalternes,
jo vinc d’un silenci
antic i molt llarg.